Sunday, May 26, 2019

3G4G Festival

Last week the Year 7/8 classes had the chance to attend the 3G4G Festival at the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple.  This festival focuses on the Three Good Deeds (3G) - Do Good Deeds, Say Good Words and Think Good Thoughts and the Four Givings (4G) - Giving others Confidence, Joy, Hope and Convenience.  These are great values for all of us to live by.

Here are a few photo's from the day.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

"Treaty of Waitangi"

This week 7/8 AL has been working on learning more facts and information about "Waitangi
We then read articles about what has happened in those times, the people involved in
liberating this country we call our home now. In it we learnt also about the conflicts and
a great war that happened in 1845 between the Maori and the British; it has since then
finished a year after and in when we finally made peace with the British. After reading an
article that we were in we then had to answer questions about what we've read and also
make a short summary of it. Now students are to create blog posts about what they've
done which many have done in this moment.

-Axle Brigs